Sunday, October 18, 2009

3.8 Solving Equations and Formulas

What you'll learn...
  • Solve equations for a given variables
  • Use formulas to solve real-world problems

Some equations contain more than one variable. To solve an equation or formula for a specific variable, you need to get that variable by itself on one side of the equation.

In other words, you will need to solve these equations for one of the variables.

Example 1: Solve an equation for a specific variable.

( Example done in class.)

Helpful tips

When you divide by a variable in an equation, remember that division by 0 is undefined.

It is sometimes helpful to use the Distributive Property to isolate the variable for which you are solving an equations or formula.

Example 2:
Solve an equation for a specific variable.

(examples done in class)

When you use a formula, you may need to use dimensional analysis, which is the process of carrying units throughout a computation.

Example 3: Use Dimensional Analysis

Find the time it takes to drive 75 miles at an average rate of 35 miles per hour. Use d = rt and solve to t first.

****After Lesson Do pg 168 #'s 10-12